Primary One Admissions Information 小一入學資訊

The admissions procedure for students seeking admission to Primary One in 2025 will commence on 25th September.  To get into our school to prepare for your child’s academic future, please take some time to peruse the Application Guidelines for P.1 Discretionary Places and go to our school in person between 25th and 29th September to submit an application. 
2025 年度小一入學將於9月25日至29日接受申請(電子平台︰9月21日至29日),有意申請本校小一學位的家長可閱覽以下須知,在上述日期內親臨本校報名。

Application Details: 2025-2026Application Guidelines for P.1 Discretionary Places
申請詳情︰ 2025-2026年度小一自行分配學位申請須知

Key Dates for Primary One Admission in 2025

Date 日期 Event 事項
1/9/2024 - 27/9/2024 Distribution of Application Forms for Admission to Primary One
23/9/2024 - 27/9/2024

Submission of Application Forms for Admission to Primary One
(19/9/2024-27/9/2024 via POAe-platform網上遞交)


18/11/2024 Results Release of Primary One Discretionary Places
20/11/2024 - 21/11/2024 Completion of Registration Procedure
13/1/2025 - 19/1/2025 Completion of POA Central Allocation Procedure (Required for Those Without a School Place)
4/6/2025 - 5/6/2025 Results Release of Primary One Central Allocation
10/6/2025 - 11/6/2025 Completion of Registration Procedure