The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod 香港路德會

In 1915, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod sent missionaries to China. They preached the gospel along Changjiang in Hubei and Sichuan. The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod, HK & Macau Mission was established at that time. In 1949, the missionaries planned to return to the United States, but when they saw so many refugees in Hong Kong, they decided to stay. They started evangelical work in Hong Kong, and later established the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Hong Kong Mission.

In the beginning, the missionaries set up shelters for worship in Tiu Keng Leng. They also started a Bible School in order to train people for God’s service. Then they rented a place in Kowloon and established the first synodical congregation. At that time, services were conducted in Mandarin and Cantonese. Through evangelizing on the street, visiting patients in hospitals and organizing Bible classes, the church grew rapidly and more congregations were set up.

In 1953, the first synodical school was founded. The Synod started many secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens from the 1960s onwards. The schools also became bases of evangelical activities. Many churches and mission stations held their meetings in schools.

The Synod has been serving the public ever since giving assistance to the refugees in the 1950’s. In 1977, Lutheran Social Service was set up. The church gradually changed from a mission station to an independent local church and registered as Lutheran Church–Hong Kong Synod. It then became a“partner church”of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod of the United States.

From then on, the Synod continued to develop in the areas of evangelism, education and social service. To date, there are congregations totalling over 8000; 36 churches, 9 mission stations; 40 schools with over 1000 staff and more than 22,000 students; 43 social service units.

May the Lord continue to guide and keep the Synod, so that it may continue to develop and be a blessing to the world.

美國路德會(Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)於1913年差派宣教士到中國宣教,在湖北、四川沿長江一帶的口岸進行福音工作,並組成「中華福音道路德會」。1949年,美國宣教士陸續返國;就在他們途經香港,等候乘船及飛機回程期間,上帝讓他們看見難民處處,生活貧困,靈魂失喪。於是,他們回應上帝的呼召,毅然留在香港開展了福音和救濟的工作,組成了日後的「美國路德會香港分會」(Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Hong Kong Mission)。

起初,宣教士在調景嶺蓋搭臨時葵棚,舉行聚會,服事附近的難民;繼而開辦聖經學院,培訓聖工人員。翌年,租用九龍大埔道232號,創辦第一所堂會,舉行國粵語聚會。其後,本會藉著街頭佈道、醫院探訪、開辦主日學等活動 傳揚福音,信徒日增,在各區建立堂會及佈道所。


由五十年代協助難民開始,本會一直致力發展社會福利工作。至1977年,香港路德會社會服務處成立。同年,本會由宣教區發展為本地獨立教會,並註冊為「香港路德會」(Lutheran Church-Hong Kong Synod),與美國路德會建立伙伴教會關係。



Education Consultant Team of The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod

We are committed to enhancing education both inside and outside of Hong Kong. To achieve this goal, we have established an Education Consultant Team composed of professors and administrators from several renowned local academic institutions. The team aims to elevate education at all levels with a top-notch higher education perspective. We are proud to say that every consultant in the team is a member or alumnus of our association.
